We are pleased to inform you that our company will be relocated to the following new office address with effect from 15th October 2003.
Room D, 11/F., Southeast Industrial Bldg., 611-619 Castle Peak Road, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong.
Please amend your record and inform your relevant colleagues and operating departments accordingly.
Thank you for your kind attention.
遷 址 通 知
敬請貴客戶垂注, 本公司將於二零零三年十月十五日起遷往下列地址:
本公司近期針對不同類型的客戶, 設計相應的專業產品, 以適應不同客戶的需要。
最新產品 :
除了超級市場貨架、百貨公司、家品店的產品外, 本公司近期推出T型及U型立柱的輕、中、重型貨架及貨倉、碼頭用的產品系列。
Our company recently targeting on different type of customers and designing the most effective and professional product to reach the needs of different customers.
Except supermarket shelving system and department storage and display system and household storage and display system, our company recently pushing a new type of product. They call T type and U type shelving system which are included storage and display systems, for more information please see product information.